End Of Year Cuts!
I have seen many people talking about changing things up in 2023! Out with the old- in with the new.. Many have the goal of removing people from their life that have been toxic, draining, etc., etc...
Well, here are a few things to think about before making the change..
First thing you must do is determine- Why are certain people in your life? We allow people in our life at certain times in life because of what void they fill. It could be a romantic void, sexual, material, friendship, etc.. but it’s something we GAIN from having them in our life.
You can remove the PERSON from your life, social circle etc, but if that VOID is still there, you will soon replace the person for another person who is just as negative, toxic, etc...
Think about how many times you have ended up in the same type of poor relationship. You changed the surface, but the internal void was still empty!
Second, be HONEST with yourself. Are you making these so-called changes to prove a point to someone?
Sometimes we may be tired of feeling ignored by a person and say- “well I’ll show them- I’ll stop calling, or stop emailing them, or delete them from my page, my life- and they will see I don’t need them and then they will come crawling back to me because they don’t like being treated that way by me!” Well, that MAY “work” initially, but eventually when the person temporarily changes the behavior, and you go back to calling, texting, having them in your life- then they will learn that your method is simply a game. Eventually, you will be back on the same roller coaster of emotions. Trying to CHANGE another ADULT’s behavior by “punishments” is a game that usually ends up in the punisher, frustrated and unfulfilled.
Third, remember removing excess from your life is great! But a better choice may be to change yourself. They say that the people around you reflect on you. If it is something in the people in your life that you don’t like, check to see if you personally may have some of those same traits. Chances are if you change yourself for the better- most of the “toxic” friends will fall off on their own- “birds of a feather-flock together”. Be positive, motivated, spiritual etc, and that’s what you will draw...
Hope these tips help in making those end-of-year cuts!